Why is lighting so important in music concerts?
Music and events
I think it is safe to say that all live music enthusiasts can agree to the fact that every little detail is crucial for a high-quality music event. Starting with the venue, stage design, lighting, music production, audio quality, of course, performers themselves and much more. For the audiences to get it all and even more for the price of a ticket, good lighting is no less important than good sound. There is a thin line between really good sound quality and it just being a loud or unclear cloud of sound. But if there is the right lighting it gives a whole new look for the event. So I want to clarify why is lighting so crucial?

Why lighting?
All the crew people – the production companies, venue operators, designers, need to be able to make the perfect mood for every event. They need to catch the feeling the audiences are looking for. It is necessary for the lighting to complete its functions to put the performer in the spotlight and to emphasize the music. The lighting has to be creative but it has to be spot-on as well. It determines what the audience will see and feel. This is also important for high video quality. Either for the recordings to be streamed immediately on the big screens at the concerts, or for a concert movie, or just for audience members to record on their phones, the lighting has to be right.

Lighting on tours
Some grand artists who go on tours usually have their own lighting and visual setup gear. It takes a lot of time to develop all the necessary lighting. For it to be in sync with the music and to be available in each venue. For all the gear to be set up every other day in a completely different city at a slightly new venue for every concert. It’s a difficult task. Some performers even have some lighting props for the thousand of people in the audience to connect everyone even more. This can give a feeling that each and everyone in the crowd is a part of the performance. It can make people feel more connected with the artists. I think that is a very important feeling to achieve.

Recorded music or live music?
This is a tricky area and it is important that professionals are working on it. They need to understand exactly what is necessary. How to combine each song with the right lighting. The colours, patterns, movements are all crucial to the right vibe. To make the environment of the event even more entertaining there are often other special effects. Those include smoke or bubble machines, or even fireworks. We live in a time when the recorded music industry is available very easily. With tons of streaming services, possibilities to download or copy music. Also, most of the recorded music nowadays is of good quality. Because of this reason, live music events have a different meaning. People want to see their beloved artists. They want to feel the music and emotions together with them. For this experience to be as good as possible, a big part of the show goes to the lighting. There would be no point in attending a concert in darkness.

Lights everywhere!
The motion of lighting gives more energy to the whole production. It is always important. Whether in-store, lighting can point you in the right direction (towards the products). Of course, this is exactly what the producers want. Lighting in different kinds of events, like corporate events or ted talks or auctions is important. It is very important in motion pictures or photography, art and exhibitions non the less. We are a visual culture and what we see in different light determines what we will think of it or how we will feel about it.

To feel the right energy at music concerts, lighting is no less important than sound. Most of the people cannot imagine how much effort goes into having the perfect light at concerts. Most people do not see all the effort that goes into it. They never think of how it would be if the whole concert would be with just a one plane spotlight on the performer. Hopefully, soon enough we will be able to go to proper music events with high-quality sound and light. I think that I speak for all music enthusiasts saying that we miss them. The show must go on!
Image credit: Electronic Midwest; 4Wall Entertainment; Waco Tribune-Herald; Louder; CHAUVET Professional; Festicket
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